Extracurricular Choirs
Madrigals is an important tradition to the Plainfield Central High School community. The Madrigal is one of the most enduring musical forms in all of history. During its early development in 16th Century Italy, the Madrigal found favor with the noble class. Lords and Ladies would perform these songs at banquets and other social events. All members of the English nobility were expected to have musical training and to be able to sing songs like these on sight.
The Plainfield Central Madrigals consist of two vocal ensembles, who perform Medieval, Renaissance, contemporary and holiday music. These groups are:
Madrigal Singers - The top Madrigal ensemble, mixed-voiced, open to freshman through seniors to audition
Madrigal Ladies - Treble-voiced, open to freshman through seniors to audition

What is CentralSound?
CentralSound is an extra-curricular, vocal ensemble at Plainfield Central High School. The group meets during 2nd semester and specializes in contemporary pop and vocal jazz music. The group performs at the choir concerts and additional performances throughout the spring semester.
Who can join CentralSound?
Any PCHS student in any grade level is welcome to audition for CentralSound.
Reach out to Mr. Rancatore for more information at nrancato@psd202.org.
Bel Canto
Bel Canto is an all Soprano/Alto extracurricular vocal ensemble that is made up of both choir and non-choir members. Students do not need any experience to join. It is open for all 9th through 12th grade treble voices to join.
The group rehearses on Wednesdays from 2:25-2:55pm throughout first semester.
VoiceMale is an all Tenor/Bass extracurricular vocal ensemble that is made up of both choir and non-choir members. Students do not need any experience to join. It is open for all 9th through 12th grade tenor/bass voices to join.
The group rehearses on Wednesdays from 3:00-3:30pm throughout first semester.