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Message from the Principal

Wildcat Families,

On behalf of the entire staff, let me extend a heartfelt welcome to Plainfield High School. With a legacy that spans 135 years, we are proud to be a home to both our students and our families. Moreover, as principal, it is an honor to work with a dedicated staff whose main focus is to help prepare our students for their futures.

High school is a pivotal and exciting time in the lives of students. During this time, students will face new experiences and challenges, and through this process, they will grow into young adults. It is our goal to not only help prepare our students academically, but help guide them through the transition between middle school and adulthood.

This website will serve as a resource for you regarding all aspects of PHS. If there is anything you can not find, please contact the school so that we can be of assistance.


Chris Chlebek



Heather Loperena, was named the Certified Staff Cape Award Winner for the 2023-2024 School year. Heather is the sponsor of K-Pop, Spanish Club and Spanish Honor Society.
Heather Loperena
Heather Loperena Photo
Chad Bailey is the Support Staff CAPE Award Winner for the 2023-2024 School year. Chad handles all of the building maintenance and we could not run the building without him.
Chad Bailey
Chad Bailey Photo
Mooch joined Plainfield Central in January 2022. She works with the students in special programs and makes the rest of us smile just by walking by. Mooch is the most popular staff member at PHS.
Mooch Photo